“Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham and Sarah kept hoping… they were fully convinced that God is able to do whatever He promises.”
Hebrews 11:11
Sarah was way past the time in her life to have children. Her doctor would have said it was too late for her to have a child in her old age. Her friends would have said it was too late for her. She herself would have said it was too late for her.But here is the thing we tend to forget.God doesn’t work by our schedule and plans. What’s too late and too impossible for us is not for Him. It would take a miracle of God for her to bear a child in her old age, and that is exactly what happened “a miracle”.God turned Sarah’s laughter of disbelief into laughter of joy at the fulfillment of His promise and the miracle in her arms.Even if you have no logical reason to believe. Even when the odds are completely against you.Let’s believe that God can perform a miracle in our life.He made the impossible happen for Sarah, He can make it happen for you too.
God Bless You Abundantly



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