
The LORD remember you and will bless you.

  • 04/11/2024

In the testimony of Rachel, we see a profound example of God’s faithfulness and compassion. After years of longing for a child, Rachel’s pain and desperation were met with God’s perfect timing. When God remembered Rachel, it signifies not only His awareness of her struggles but also His willingness to intervene in her life.

This verse reminds us that God listens to our cries and is intimately aware of our desires and needs. He sees our struggles and responds with love and grace. Just as He opened Rachel’s womb, He can open doors and bring about miracles in our lives when we least expect it.

Trust that God hears you, and that His timing is always best. Even in moments of waiting and longing, hold onto hope, for He is a God who remembers and acts according to His perfect plan.

“Then God remembered Rachel, and God listened to her and opened her womb.” Genesis 30:22

God bless you abundantly.